Yourreference audiovisualpartner in Brussels

Interpretation hubs

Interpretation hub located in Brussels

While some multilingual videoconferencing platforms allow interpreters to work remotely (this is sometimes essential when travel is not possible), it is generally best to have all interpreters together in a hub.

Our hub in Brussels is equipped with all conventional interpretation equipment (soundproof booths, interpreter desks, headsets) but also video monitoring, a redundant internet connection and various facilities (printer, parking, etc.) .

The presence of a technician ensures that the various audio channels are sent to the platform.

These working conditions allow interpreters to work in more traditional conditions which allow them to focus on the essential: interpretation.

Among other benefits, we always keep available hubs for unscheduled meetings.

Rue Steyls 100 - 1020 Brussels, Belgium | +32 (0)2 425.25.06 | | Tax BE 0413.118.050