Yourreference audiovisualpartner in Brussels

Online events

New circumstances lead to new technologies

The constraints imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic imply major changes in the organization of events. Géné-Electra has adapted its existing equipment and integrated new technologies to have a variety of solutions that can be implemented to ensure the smooth running of your events, both hybrid and fully online.

To generate interest in an online event and keep attendees’ attention, despite being isolated behind their screens, the content and form must be tailored to stand out.

Audiovisual equipment and professional technical support, as with face-to-face events, provide enormous added value and allow you to focus on the content.

The constraints and risks are both different and more numerous online than face-to-face since it is not possible to have control over all outsourced aspects. A good preparation is therefore essential.

Géné-Electra advises and supports you in carrying out any type of online event in Belgium and abroad.

The digital solutions offered can be supplemented to allow a hybrid configuration (partly online and partly face-to-face).

Rue Steyls 100 - 1020 Brussels, Belgium | +32 (0)2 425.25.06 | | Tax BE 0413.118.050