Yourreference audiovisualpartner in Brussels

Hybrid configurations

Professional video capture

A hybrid event takes place face-to-face as well as remotely. One part of the orators and of the public take part in the event in a classical onsite way, meanwhile another part follow and/or participates remotely (from his residence or any other venue).

To ensure the interactions between these different sites we use a virtual platform (video conference, webinar, livestream).

In addition to the traditional technical means of broadcasting, a hybrid configuration requires the implementation of capture equipment and a control room for interfacing with the virtual platform. A hybrid setup can therefore be set up in any event location as long as there is a sufficient internet connection.

In order to ensure professional video capture, suitable lighting is necessary. Most often, several robot cameras are used, controlled by a single operator from the control room.

The remote part not being directly under our control, a good preparation upstream (tests of remote interventions, detailed script and backup of presentations) and permanent monitoring by the technical team are even more crucial for the success of the event.

Rue Steyls 100 - 1020 Brussels, Belgium | +32 (0)2 425.25.06 | | Tax BE 0413.118.050