Yourreference audiovisualpartner in Brussels

Interpretation services

Experienced interpreters for your event

Besides the technical aspects, the choice and preparation of interpreters is also crucial for the smooth running of your multilingual events.

If you do not have the required interpreters yourself, we can put you in touch with a privileged partner or add these services directly to our technical proposal.

This trusted partner will select for you the most suitable and experienced interpreters for your event, not only for the languages ​​most commonly used within the framework of the European Union, but also for less common but highly sought-after combinations, such as Russian, Turkish or Japanese.

Proper preparation of the interpreters will require the sending of agendas, presentations and existing documentation one week before the meeting.

Rue Steyls 100 - 1020 Brussels, Belgium | +32 (0)2 425.25.06 | | Tax BE 0413.118.050