Yourreference audiovisualpartner in Brussels

Tour guide suitcase

Tour guide suitcase rental

We offer Sennheiser “Infoport” or “Tour Guide” compact suitcases for rental, suitable for meetings requiring simultaneous translation for a limited number of participants and for mobile applications.

The Tour Guide system can be used for whisper interpretation

For meetings in small or short rooms it is sometimes preferable to use a portable interpretation system. This does not clutter up space and this solution is financially attractive when the number of participants is small.

In practice, the participants each receive a stetho receiver which directly picks up the signal from the interpreter’s microphone. No technical installation is required, this completely wireless solution comes ready to use.

It is also suitable for company visits, exterior guided tours and trade fairs.

Also suitable for company visits, exterior guided tours and trade fairs

Due to this lack of cable and its great autonomy, this system is also used for visits in noisy environments (factory, company, etc.) or for guided tours (exhibitions, fairs, outdoor, etc.).

Highlights of the Sennheiser EZL2020DII tour guide:

  • Ready to use – very easy to use
  • Completely wireless – no technician required on site
  • Can be used in any environment (indoor / outdoor)
  • Portable – compact to carry
  • 8h battery life – Recharge the whole unit directly through the transport case
  • “Unlimited” number of headsets – 6 different frequencies
  • Variety of micro-transmitters: hand / headset / tie / line input
  • Digital sound quality – SENNHEISER hardware

With nearly 300 HDE2020 receivers and 20 Tour Guide SKM2020 and SK2020 microphones from SENNHEISER, we thus have nearly 15 complete sets for rent, ready to use, deliverable by carrier for immediate use in Belgium, France or Luxemburg.

It should also be noted that hybrid solutions (booths + tour guide broadcasting) can also be implemented to ensure optimal working conditions for interpreters and broadcast over very large spaces (stadiums, exhibition hall, etc.) with minimal installation and wiring time.


Rue Steyls 100 - 1020 Brussels, Belgium | +32 (0)2 425.25.06 | | Tax BE 0413.118.050